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Square White Pine Cupola with Louvers and Concave Copper Roof



  • Concave Copper Roof
  • Straight style base
  • Large enough for a 10 Pitch Roof plus a 4″- 5″ clearance
  • 3/4″ weathervane hole
  • Width of amish cupola roof is 5” wider than base width
  • Made out of white pine lumber


Interior Screening

Extended base for 12/12 pitch roof

Patina Copper Roof

Patina gives an “Old Fashion/Worn” look to the cupolas roof.

Copper Roof Clear Coating

Keep the copper on your cupola and weathervane looking bright and shiny. Requires an annual application.

An Amish Cupola With a Copper Roof

This amish cupola sports a copper top roof with louvers to allow for ventilation of attic space, a barn, or use it as a cupola for a chicken coop to give the hens fresh air. And it is a wooden cupola which means you can paint it any color to match your existing structure.

Cupolas take us back in time. They tell a story of a past era and remind us that while we are here, we are also tied to the past.

Whether you need an amish cupola for your shed to spice up your small backyard, a house cupola to add the final touch to the roof, or a barn cupola for a horse barn or pole barn, you can find what you need in one of our many cupolas for sale.

Do you want to know what’s the point of adding a cupola to your home or barn? Check out our blog post “What is a cupola”.

Want a cupola with a polished copper weathervane? This cupola has a 3/4″ weathervane hole for a copper fish weathervane to reflect your love of fishing, a rooster weathervane to add a touch of history to your home, or the horse weathervane for those who are horse lovers. Not sure what weathervane to add to this copper-roofed cupola? Browse around 100 weathervanes in our selection.

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