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What is a Rooster Weathervane?

A rooster weathervane is a depiction of a strutting rooster or cock and fashioned out of either iron, bronze, aluminum, steel, copper, or brass. The rooster is then set atop a revolving pointer, otherwise known as a weathervane, and together they help indicate the direction of the wind. Traditionally the first rooster weathervanes were crafted out of bronze or iron with the latter materials commonly used to sculpt rooster weathervanes today.

Let’s be honest, roosters are stately and commanding! In other words, well deserving of its elevated position on a house cupola, barn cupola, or even a chicken coop cupola. 😊

However, did you know HOW roosters became one of the most popular accents atop homes and churches all over the world?

Do you know which Pope “ordained” (literally mandated) the use of rooster weathervanes atop the steeples or domes of every church?

Enjoy discovering the facts about rooster weathervanes by checking out its EPIC history!

history of rooster weathervanes

The History of the Rooster Weathervane


Weathervanes as we would recognize them began in First Century B.C.  In fact, the very first weathervane proudly adorned the top of an octagonal tower in Athens, Greece in 48 B.C. The name of the tower is almost too cool to be true! Here it is…. The Tower of the Winds. Considering such a name, a weathervane crowning its top seems rather appropriate, wouldn’t you say? The idea of a weathervane certainly inspired Greek astronomer, Andronicus, who first designed the weathervane and the one at top of the Tower of the Winds, was his very first one.

Photo Credit: Lisa’s World

rooster weathervane history

Rooster Weathervane

However, the icon atop his weathervane was not a rooster, it was Triton, the sea god. Fast forward several hundred years and weathervanes showcased more than just sea gods, including none other than our star icon, the rooster!

Photo Credit: The Athens Key

history of rooster weathervanes st peter

It is All St. Peter’s Fault!

Did you know that St. Peter was the inspiration behind rooster weathervanes? According to the Bible, at the Last Supper with His disciples ( before He was arrested and crucified), Jesus warned Peter that “before the rooster crows” he would deny Him 3 times. Later that night and before the dawn of morning, Peter did just the thing he adamantly swore to Jesus he would not do, he denied Him 3 times, and then the rooster crowed. Considering this Biblical account, the rooster became a Christian symbol, representing Peter and his betrayal.

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

Then around 590 or 604 A.D. Pope Gregory 1 caught a vision for the rooster and its profound connection to the very beginnings of Christianity. He proceeded to declare the rooster as an appropriate symbol of Christianity. The rooster was meant to remind Christians to remain loyal to Jesus by reminding them of Peter and his disloyalty.

It seems likely that roosters began to make a showing atop roofs around this time, however in the 9th century, another pope took rooster weathervanes to court!

rooster weathervane on church steeple

The Rooster is the Law!?

Pope Nicholas I deemed it appropriate to put out a law concerning these cocky birds. All churches were to exhibit a rooster atop their steeples or domes. The Christian lesson behind the rooster, Peter’s denial of Jesus, spurred Pope Nicholas to initiate such a law. It would seem he wanted to remind Christians to remain faithful and true to Christ. Plus, the Church connected the rooster with light and the resurrection (think about cock-a-doodle-doo! And how the rooster greets the birth of each new day). All these factors contributed to the rooster’s widespread presence across churches and increasing popularity in Europe.

Photo Credit:

The rule for churches to adorn a rooster atop their steeples and domes eventually fell to the wayside, however, roosters scratched out a permanent space in history and atop the weathervane. Eventually, Europe could contain the rooster weathervane no longer and aboard a ship, the rooster traveled to America.

See with Your Own Eyes!

Next time you go on a walk or drive, check out all the roofs on the buildings, the houses, or the farms, you might be surprised at how easily you find this enduring symbol, the magnificent rooster, resting proudly atop its stunning weathervane.

rooster weathervanes for churches

Why a Rooster on a Weathervane?

Wasn’t the history of rooster weathervanes fascinating!? However, why a rooster on a weathervane!? In a nutshell, a rooster is on weathervanes today due to its symbolic connection between Peter and his betrayal of Jesus. This symbolic connection along with the Catholic Church and its “temporary” law in the 9th century, all contributed to why a rooster still stands on a weathervane.

Whether its for religious reasons, or just for your love of all thing’s roosters or country, why not join the rooster weathervane fan club!

Just check out this stunning rooster weathervane!

Discover Your Ideal Rooster Weathervane!

Cupolas n More offers you stunning, intricate, and artfully designed rooster weathervanes! From original drawings to handcrafted pieces of pure copper, these heirloom quality rooster weathervanes are worthy overseers of your lovely property.

Discover which one suits your taste and your structure. Enjoy!

rooster cottage weathervane 1

Rooster Cottage Weathervane – Pure Copper

Are you looking for the perfect sized rooster weathervane for your gazebo, shed, or smaller outdoor structure? If so, the Rooster Cottage Weathervane offers a perfect size match! If you choose both the rooster and weathervane together the assembled size is 21” L x 28” H x 11” W. With detailed chest and tail feathers, the Rooster Cottage Weathervane, will proudly oversee your backyard while you enjoy its beauty from below. Enjoy this heirloom-quality cock for generations!

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Rooster Weathervane – Blue Verde Copper

Rooster Weathervane – Blue Verde Copper

Respect. This Rooster Weathervane commands respect and admiration. Its blue verde copper offers it an aged, yet esteemed appearance. Its size is Ideal for your home, garage, barn, or larger gazebo. Its 25” L x 40” H x 18” W assembled size provides the precise presence needed to complete your outdoor structure! Bring this stately fellow home and enjoy all the compliments he gets! Disclaimer: This feathery fellow is rather cocky. 😊

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Rooster Weathervane – Pure Copper

Rooster Weathervane – Pure Copper

Do you like the look of pure copper? If so, this Rooster Weathervane will satisfy your eye for beauty. With its sleek and shiny reddish-brown color, the Rooster Weathervane sports the same design as the Rooster Weathervane Blue Copper Verde as well as similar size, 25” L x 40” H x 18” W. Imagine this gleaming rooster weathervane atop your garage or home! It can be yours!

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Smithsonian Rooster Weathervane – Pure Copper

Smithsonian Rooster Weathervane – Pure Copper

With unique crafted details of its very own, the Smithsonian Rooster Weathervane is a real keeper! Posed, and slightly “talking”, the Smithsonian will easily set apart your barn or garage from the rest of your buildings. Its size, 27” L x 40” H x 18” W, compliments any of your larger buildings. Enjoy the distinct beauty of the pure copper Smithsonian!

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The Large Rooster Weathervane – Pure Copper

The Large Rooster Weathervane – Pure Copper

If you want a rooster that oozes presence and pride, the Large Rooster Weathervane holds that commanding poise like no other! With its broad chest puffed out, this rooster means business. Your neighbors and family cannot help but notice this regal guy. Set him atop your gazebo or home and the Large Rooster will charm you with its 27” x 46” H x 18” W size. Its no secret that this cock holds heirloom quality. 😊

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The Crowing Rooster Weathervane – Pure Copper

The Crowing Rooster Weathervane – Pure Copper

If you love the cock-a-doodle-do of roosters (without the actual noise), the Crowing Rooster will not disappoint. With its head thrown back and its mouth wide open, no one will have to guess twice what this rooster is up to! Enjoy the timeless fascination of the Crowing Rooster, by setting this dramatic fellow atop your home or barn! With its size, 25” L x 39”H x 18” W, he will fit well atop any of your larger outdoor buildings.

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rooster weathervane

Bantam Rooster Weathervane – Pure Copper

Cheers to a classic and endeared breed, the Bantams! With its elaborate craftmanship, the majesty of the Bantam Rooster is well captured! Bantams may be on the smaller size, but their roosters hold a kingly spot amongst all rooster breeds with their majestic appearance. Plus, its size, 19”x 36” H x 15” W, offers you the option of topping any of your larger buildings. Enjoy adding some royalty atop your garage or barn when you choose the Bantam Rooster Weathervane!

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Partner with Cupolas n’ More for Your Ideal Rooster Weathervane!

Are you ready to join the thousands upon thousands of happy rooster weathervane owners across America and the world?

If so, Cupolas n’ More is ready and equipped to partner with you for your new rooster weathervane!

Whether you are ready to choose your rooster weathervane or have questions concerning our rooster weathervanes, we look forward to empowering you in any way we can!